
We help companies to build strong relationships with their customers through digital products. Our design principles and team values guide the process of delivering the best-in-class experiences.

Design principles

Show, don't tell

Don't explain something by telling that you can explain by showing instead. Make quick wireframes to show ideas during meetings. Make interactive prototypes or present solutions of competition to help to experience the idea.

Optimize for most important interactions

Find out which user interactions with the product are the most beneficial for both the business and users and focus on optimizing the customer journey. Make recommendations for business optimizations based on target customer journey.

Grow form and function together

It's true that people believe that beautiful things work better, but to achieve customer satisfaction, not just good impression, product's functionality must meet user's expectations. Product look, feel and responsiveness grows iteratively. Achieve that by working closely with developers: providing the design system, looking after the implementation progress, and helping to implement parts of the design.

Design content-first

Do not assume the content when designing. Always check for: amount of records to display, completeness of data, lengths of strings. Good information architecture helps with edge case discovery and results in accurate mockups.

Team values

Innovate without permission

Your task is your responsibility. You don't need to involve people, but you shouldn't make it harder for people to contribute. Everybody is welcome to contribute and decides for themselves if they should be part of the discussion.

Give feedback and credit — say thank you

Be kind to others. We are all professionals who tend to make mistakes due to limited knowledge. Give feedback in a constructive way. Remember to give recognition to others publicly and thank them for their work regularly.

Leave your ego

Be oriented on understanding the customer first and making great product second rather than on yourself. Don't try to win an argument, but focus on asking the right questions and finding the answers with others' help.

React to feedback — say I'm sorry

Be humble. If someone approaches you with feedback, receive it. They're not blaming you, but want to propose an improvement with the best for product in their mind. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to apologize quickly. Bringing attention to own mistakes is a sign of one's strength as others can learn from them. Openly sharing own mistakes and successes builds an empowering culture of learning instead of diminishing culture of right and wrong.

Encourage ownership

Being an owner means to be responsible for completing a task. You should ask for help if you need it, but it's your responsibility to face the challenge and have a solution.

Embrace change

Change is an integral part of life, especially in fast-paced tech business environment. Being transparent and communicative about changes reduces anxiety and helps people with accepting changes. Promote challenging the status quo and be comfortable with others challenging it.

Encourage growth mindset

Talents are developed, not given. Work hard to develop in new areas, learn from or inspire others and accept own limitations to grow the team by improving communication, increasing trust, respect and spreading self-awareness.

Spark ambition

We are the best team not because somebody rated us. It's because we are confident in giving our best, not afraid to ask difficult questions and strive for understanding customers and their pains.

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© 2022 Solares Studio